Life is pretty fun at the Hoffy house. Plenty of action, loud voices, and laughter. I am the proud mom of 7 kids and grandma to 1 wonderful grandson! There is always lots of excitement and don't forget to throw in a little Chinglish, just to keep us on our toes. I have homeschooled for over 18 years and have a huge passion for adoption and orphan care. If I am not helping the crew with school you will find me either pouring over pictures of kids who need homes, trying to DIY something, or concocting a 'potion' with some great oils. I love the Lord and seeing Him work in my own and in my kid's lives. While most people never get to complete their bucket list, my family and my life IS my bucket list!!!

In 2012, we brought home our 6 1/2 year old daughter and she is literally my dream come true. She came to us with open arms and has never looked back, we have not either. We returned to China again this year to bring home our 5 year old son! My heart is broken for the hundreds of thousands of children around the world who are orphans, who will never know the love of a mother or a father, who will never experience family. My heart breaks for families who for whatever reason feel they cannot parent a child through adoption, my hearts breaks for what they are missing.
Our lives were dramatically changed two years ago, I will always be grateful to God for leading the way. Adoption is not easy but the blessings are great. I would love to talk to you about adoption and our experience. I would love to tell you how much the Creator of the Universe loves these kids and how much He loves you! If you have any questions about adoption or about having a relationship with God, shoot me an email, let's talk!