Save the Trauma for your Momma!

                    The paradox of trauma is 
                            that is has 
                        both the power to
                    destroy and the power to 
                    transform and resurrect.
                             Peter Levine

I posted an article the other day on Facebook.  It was a 
"coming out" article for me in a way.  It is what my life has been like for the past 4 years.  Please read it if you can, it explains what so many adoptive/foster moms are going through in a way I cannot.

 Attachment/Trauma behavior is easy to read about , easy to understand on a page of a book, so hard to live with , so hard to understand in real life.  It is a constant push and pull, just like the tides on a beach.  You know that water is going out with a rush and you can be 100% sure it is coming back in with a roar! It is seeing the sin nature in action,  and understanding Christ's grace just a little bit more.  It is seeing yourself and hating what you see.  It encompasses every facet of life.  I am unable to capture it and explain it fully.  It looks different for every child and in every situation.  I have wanted to talk about it for quite a whileI have even been praying about this blog.  I have started it 6 times and deleted it every time.  I didn't think I had anything to say.  But I found out tonight, I don't have to do all of the talking....I am hoping all of you will chime in with your stories, "failures" and successes!  It is time to get real.  It is time to put away the judgement and start walking WITH each other.  This year has been rough on all of us (someday, I will share) and well, it has been messy.

I am inviting you into the mess. Adoptive moms, trauma moms, young moms, new moms, older (no numbers required) moms,  wanna be moms, come on in; you are all welcome.  Let's learn from each other!  I hope to be able to do all kinds of things on this page....from DIYS to talking about trauma, from sensory ideas to makeup tips....yep, everything from Potstickers to Pancakes, cause that pretty much sums up my life right now!  

                                Layel summing it up for me.


                                         For His Glory,


  1. I have to be your first comment:) We have walked this crazy road together for the last 5 years, and will continue to until the good Lord calls us home!! What a journey, but I am so thankful the Lord answered my prayer of wanting to walk this road with someone by stirring YOUR heart to adopt. Being able to talk to you and have you understand exactly what it’s like raising a trauma kid has been my sanity!! Hope this leads to lots of other people finding support and encouragement! Thanks for speaking up!!

  2. Oh my heavens, what would I do without you? I can't imagine this walk without a 'safe' place! I am blessed to have you! God does not call you and then leave you, He is working.
